Patent Portfolio Management Support

Reverse Engineering and Claim Charts for Semiconductor IP

We help the world's most important owners of semiconductor IP optimize their portfolio ROI and monetize their patent assets

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430 Hazeldean Road, Unit 6
Ottawa, ON, K2L 1T9

About ICmasters

ICmasters is a full service reverse engineering and patent portfolio management support company for high technology applications.

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Intellectual Property

Protect and monetize your patent portfolio

We can help you by finding Evidence of Use (EoU) in real-world electronic systems, mining your portfolio for golden patents, and assessing your portfolio to see how you match up against industry rivals.

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Competitive Intelligence

Plan your journey ahead

Gain valuable insights into your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, avoid costly R&D mistakes, and maximize your design’s potential for success in the market

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Make sure you have the best information

Our customers include global semiconductor operating companies, renowned IP law firms, and other owners of semiconductor IP. Whether your team is designing the next revolutionary innovation or moving to safeguard and get maximum value from your Intellectual Property portfolio, make the ICmasters team a trusted partner in your technology and patent endeavors.

Further Info

We are located in Ottawa, Canada, a global centre of expertise in IP

430 Hazeldean Road, Unit 6
Ottawa, ON, K2L 1T9

+1-613 293 1442

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